Time is running out We need calls to selected Representatives about the Transportation Bill.
Please call:
• U.S. Representative Pat Tiberi (R-OH-12) |
Can't call while online? Want to call later? Print this alert. |
Call Here: |
(614) 523-2555 Columbus office of U.S. Representative Pat Tiberi (please call between 9am & 5pm) |
Talking Points: |
1) |
Hi, my name is [[your name]] and I live in [[city/town]]. With whom am I speaking? |
2) |
I�m calling to ask that [[your representative's name]] maintain the Cardin-Cochran agreement in the Transportation Bill, and ensure that Transportation Alternatives not allow states to opt-out of local control over local transportation projects, including biking and walking improvements. |
3) |
The bipartisan Cardin-Cochran agreement in the Senate transportation bill would ensure that local governments can access 1 - 2% of federal transportation dollars for local projects. |
4) |
Local officials, who govern closest to the communities they serve, need an opportunity to guide funding for local projects such as biking and walking improvements. |
5) |
It is essential that biking and walking programs not include a state opt-out provision. When the state controls all funding, small, local projects fall between the cracks and local officials lose the opportunity to use transportation funds to address local transportation needs. Will [[your representative's name]] preserve the bipartisan Cardin-Cochran agreement and ensure that Transportation Alternatives not allow states to opt-out of local control? |
Link to report your results
For additional background - Read today's Letter to the Editor from Mark A. Young.
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