The Columbus Dispatch : Faithful push for action on health-care reform.
- West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church is asking members to contact their representatives. Congress is on recess until after Labor Day, and members are holding town meetings in their districts and providing other opportunities for constituents to weigh in on health care.
- An interfaith coalition called Faithful Reform in Health Care, based in Cleveland, is asking its members to hold "health-care Sabbaths," a chance to pray for both uninsured and insured Americans who are being overwhelmed by the cost of health care.
- Representatives of Ohio Jewish Communities have traveled to Washington to ask lawmakers to protect access to long-term care for the elderly, disabled and others who need it.
- The United Methodist Church has created, which encourages visitors to the Web site to take one new action for health-care reform every week. Such acts include "tell a friend" and "organize/participate in a prayer vigil."
- On Monday 8/10, an interfaith group is to announce a new campaign, "40 Days for Health Reform." It will include a TV ad featuring Catholic, mainline Protestant and evangelical pastors, as well as dedicating Aug. 28-30 as a weekend for pastors to deliver sermons on health care.
- The First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, in Downtown Columbus, is planning a news conference Aug. 18 with other pastors and rabbis. They'll call for more civility in the debate, after seeing news reports of lawmakers' town-hall meetings that devolved into raucous shouting matches.
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